Integrating Vtiger with PHPList Email Marketing Solution will give you below mentioned benefits
PHPLIST is a one-way email announcement delivery system. Basically, it is great for newsletters, publicity lists, notifications, and many other uses.
The Web Interface lets you write and send messages, and manage it over the internet.

Meanwhile, the system keeps sending messages from your web server as per the settings, even after you shut down your computer.
Furthermore, this email marketing tool is designed to manage mailing lists with hundreds of thousands of subscribers. At the same time it is excellent with smaller lists too!
No duplicate messages. No ‘forgotten’ messages. phpList manages message delivery with a message queue, ensuring that every subscriber gets the email message, and that no subscribers receive two copies, even if they’re subscribed to more than one list!
Open/View Tracking tells you how many users opened your email message. This provides a minimum statistic, as many email clients with privacy or security policies block images (gmail, thunderbird, and others).
Click Tracking tracks links and URLs. Statistics can be viewed by message, URL or subscriber.

Multiple Subscribe Pages allow you to choose many different combinations of templates, languages, user attributes and lists.
Templates are completely customizable, and make site integration a breeze.
Multiple Templates on different subscribe pages can integrate PHPLIST with several different web sites.
Subscriber Attributes like ‘name’, ‘country’, and other personal information, are completely customizable. You can specify what information you need to get from users when they subscribe.
User Specific Content

You can use Subscriber Attributes in message content to make each and every email message personalized with the subscribers full name, country, or any other attribute.
HTML email messages. Subscribers can be given the choice between text or html email messages. You decide whether subscribers can choose, what the default choice is, and what format a message is sent in: text only, html only, or both!
The HTML Editor allows you to edit html messages from PHPLIST using FCKeditor. TinyMCE is also available.

Multi-lingual. PHPLIST is available in English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, Vietname and Japanese and translation work is in progress for other languages.
Multiple List of Administrators. The super-admin can assign lists to List Managers, who can manage their users and lists. Moreover, the super admin user can ‘prepare’ messages that can be sent by list managers to their lists.
Subscriber Preferences
Every email message contains personalized URLs for subscribers to update their preferences or unsubscribe. However, subscribers can update their own information and keep your database up to date. Unlike most other mailing list managers, in PHPLIST subscribers can change their email address.

The User Management tools are excellent to manage and maintain large database lists of subscribers.
Further, Bounce Processing keeps your database clean of unused and non-existent email addresses.
The Advanced Bounce handling let’s you teach PHPLIST to distinguish between permanent and temporary message-delivery errors. Moreover, you can define automated actions on receipt of bounce messages according to matches with your regular expressions.
CSV Import and Export
Use CSV and tab delimited files to import your existing list of users or to export the users on the PHPLIST system for use in your in-house database. In short, PHPLIST’s database has a ‘foreign key’ to help keep multiple copies of databases synchronized without duplicating users.
Attachments can be uploaded and included in messages for download.
Send a Web page
Tell PHPLIST the URL of a web page you want to send to your users, and PHPLIST will fetch it and send it. You can even put subscriber-specific parameters in the URL.
RSS feeds can be automatically sent to a mailing list weekly, daily, or monthly.
Hence, to guarantee that your message is viewed the way it was intended by all of your subscribers, independent of their email message reader, PDF messages may be automatically prepared and delivered as attachments.
Batch Processing is useful in shared hosting environments. Set the maximum number of sent messages in a given time period.
Throttling can limit the load on your server so it doesn’t overload.
Domain Throttling limits the number of emails to specific domains to keep on the friendly side of their system administrators.
Scheduled Sending let’s you tell PHPLIST when the message is to be sent.
Generally, a message can be automatically repeated to convey updated dynamic information and attachments.
Text from HTML
The system manages all the text email messages fluently and in the right manner. It will automatically create a text version of an html message. Optionally the message composer can create it manually.
PGP signing and encrypting
Send your message digitally signed or encrypted, or both.
Lastly, by reading above mentioned feature you will agree that integrating Vtiger with PHPLIST Email Marketing Solution will automate your business CRM and you can manage your business at your ease and it will flourish every day. Undoubtedly, this integrated solution can make your business more organized to manage existing customers & target new potential customers.